the waves in youthful mischief, did rear their heads..
rising to meet up with the skies…
Falling they crashed against the gory rocks beneath..
breaking onto bits, to join up with the ocean,
whenceforth they had sprung..
then did they grow wings..to take flight into the clouds..
shedding all fetters , even of the dreams they held..
they fly free, now....the sky is their playfield…
the sun shines off their plumes by day….
by night do they waltz with the moon and the stars…
winds play the harp..
rivers strum the lyre..
sweet melodies from every pearl in sight
do fill the Deep with laughter…
Can you oh skies..can you..??/
Can you still look down and watch me fall apart..
Nay ..i have scaled mountains..
and down valleys have i wound my way around..
the green bowers and sandy dunes..
at my beck and call have been..
my laughter now cuts through your bosom
it is you who cries now , oh skies, not I…
dont you see..???/…
it is you who cries now, not I..
it is you who cries , not I……..
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