WHO IS KIRAN>>>?????????
KIRAN is a RAY…..
……..A RAY emanating from a point…and penetrating the darkness around……
KIRAN is a ray of hope, when u r in despair……
KIRAN is the ring of laughter in ur voice, when u r happy…
When u look at something beautiful…and there is that warm glow in ur heart
…as u admire that beauty…
KIRAN is that warm glow in ur heart…
KIRAN is that ray of compassion that wells in ur heart…
at the sight of someone in pain……
KIRAN is that swelling of righteous anger inside u…
…when u see someone wronged…
KIRAN is that desire in u…
to set things right, ..when things go awry…
When u re[a]d about KIRAN…and wanted to know..
Why dont I meet such a KIRAN in my life..!!!
KIRAN was that desire in u …..
to see KIRAN in another……
U tapped ur foot, to the rhythm of sweet music…..
U felt that serene calm inside u…..
when u listened to a soft number flow…..
KIRAN was that feeling inside u…that made u react, the way u did…
U felt a warm glow inside u,,,when u helped someone in need…
KIRAN was that warmth in ur heart….
When u felt something twist inside u…
at the sight of someone in pain……
KIRAN was that something in u…
which made u feel that pain……
the poem of a poet…..
the song of a singer….
the innocence of a child…
the love of one who loves…
the faith of the faithful…
the hope of the hopeful…
the compassion of the compassionate…..
KIRAN is ur love for those around u…
KIRAN is the joy that makes u radiant…
KIRAN is the pain that makes u wince…[ cynicism may kill ur pain...it will kill much more of u too]
KIRAN is that POSITIVE ENERGY inside u…
that quells the negativity around u..
There’s a KIRAN inside U..
There’s a KIRAN in those around u…..
HOW MUCH of that Kiran SURVIVES…
is upto each one of us…
KIRAN is the CHILD in U…
..keeping KIRAN alive is nobody’s business, but UR’S..
There’s a KIRAN….emanating from that point that is U..
U have only to OPEN ur heart..
and u can see KIRAN shine through…
a KIRAN can meet ur gaze..
everytime u stand before the mirror……
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