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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

37-fellow travellers on an uinknown path

like the fresh reassuring dawn,

after a fearful thunderous black night…

like sweet , soft music to
the ears…

after the shrill deafening sounds of the market -place..

weary feet and heavy tread

having scaled vales and dales
surfaced from deep waters ,

to flounder on gory rocks
now that my
soul thus yearns for rest

and the spirit seeks to flee from the rigmarole

of the trappings of

U my friend..
like the soft cool breeze of the grove…
calm tranquil shores..

like the fresh reassuring dawn..
sweet soft music to the ears…

U walk with me…..
a few miles ……
an unknown journey

solitary yes, but not alone…
neither destination nor

fellow travellers ………
now walking, now stopping
rest awhile…under shady trees..

laughter ringing loud in the air, sometimes….

and bouncing back
from the clouds above…

is it rain-drops or tears ,
down ur cheeks and mine..

no matter……indeed it does not matter…

and exhausted,

when we do sit side by side..

and I lay my head
upon ur
shoulder, thus……

the peace that fills me, from deep within…
is not of this

indeed it is …..
of the seven worlds, my friend…
of the seven worlds……
and beyond………

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